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Perspectives for smart grids in the Brazilian market.

by Rodrigo Regis

* Advisor R & D Foundation ITAIPU - BRAZIL.
* Electrical Engineer and Master in Systems Engineering
* Business Consultant in Innovation Projects for the Electricity Sector

The aim of smart grids (SG) is quite broad and we need to understand within the energy market, what are the demands and who are interested. The name "Smart Grids" turned into a marketing and its concept is very broad, so it is necessary to delimit the segments and we will act when dealing with the matter. We can not say that our National Interconnected System has no intelligence. However, we need to develop more? What is really a SG?
Well, the aim of the smart grid is to provide the network with a technological system that allows the consumer make the choice about how and when to use energy more efficiently. Also, SG aims of improving the operability of the electrical system, improve power quality, reduce technical losses and commercial viable integration alternative sources of energy distribution network, integrating storage systems intelligent power, predicting failures the systems, using computer systems to provide demand curves and thus assist in the commercialization of energy and facilitate the growth of distributed generation and the free energy market. Finally, the SG comes through automation, telecommunications and IT network, the total integration between generation and end consumers. So we need to understand what the demands of this vast market and which segments act.
So we can identify three macro markets, they are: the Distribution of Energy, Distributed Generation and Energy Efficiency. And what makes this complex market is the fact that the objectives of each of these segments often have conflicting interests. It is therefore important, in the large market of SG identify what matters to each segment.
Currently, in Brazil the infrastructure for generation, transmission and distribution has been suffering with the commercial and technical losses of energy due obsolescence of the network. According to ANEEL (National Electric Energy Agency), the commercial losses account for 8.7% of domestically produced energy, which equals all the energy produced in the San Antonio plant. The expansion plan of Energy makes a prediction of an increased demand by 54% between the years 2010 and 2019. With an added benefit, the implementation of the Energy Efficiency Program and the encouragement of distributed generation associated with smart grids can improve capacity utilization and delay the need for investment in expanding the Brazilian Electric System.
Furthermore, the development of smart grids in Brazil can set a new benchmark for the electrical industry and can make the market more dynamic power through new forms of actions of market players, which includes the opportunity for users to operate both as producers and consumers of energy.
From a business standpoint this fact contributes to the expansion of the free market and emphasizes the adaptation of market mechanisms of supply and demand by encouraging the effective participation of small agents - consumers and producers.


  1. Excellent explanation about SG....

    Congratulations Man!


    Luiz Colman.

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